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Book Pile

While work has been contiuous, the small gaps between jobs and sleep and vice versa have been filled with reading. So the new years resolution of clearing the two metre shelf of unread books progresses – but how fast?

Well going by the results for the first two months, 20cm of books, slightly ahead of the required pace. When the completed pile is up to my waist it will be impressive, when its taller than me we’ll be nearly done and can start thinking about the end of the book buying embargo – hopefully in time for next Christmas.


After two months solid work I had my first none work day well planned. And at 7am, standing on the doorstep in the rain with a damp newspaper, 10p (the change from buying the paper) and no house keys the plan all kind of went wrong.

First stop a phone box. The ex has my spare keys but I haven’t memorized her number but that doesn’t matter as the BT operator for collect calls won’t do directory lookups for the number which makes the service a little pointless and hard to use.

With only work keys in my pocket, blagging my way on British Rail to the office and back to get the spare keys I have there would take hours, might not be possible and …. aggh.

So I became a house breaker. Climbed the 6ft fence into the back garden, checked all the doors and windows – all locked – and then smashed the one non-double glazed window. Should I be concerned that this behaviour didn’t cause any stir from any quarter – that’s how easy it is to break in to somewhere.

So having started my day badly, I spent the rest of the morning visiting the DIY store for materials to make the house secure again. Followed by moping and general depression and abandonment of the days list of things to do.

Did anything good come of this. Well there is now a set of spare keys hidden outside. And the kitchen is a lot warmer now the glass door has been replaced by thick wood. And being locked out certainly gets your brain going – flew through the Sudoku while waiting for the hardware store to open.

The day off starts again tomorrow…